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No symptoms

by Murray
(Grande prairie Alberta canada)

I don't have any symptoms of prostate cancer but my psa scores were elevated according to my Dr.

I have to go back for another blood test in 3 weeks to get another test result on my psa. My question even though my Dr told me not to worry about anything. Is there a distinct possibility of having prostrate cancer without having any of the symptoms other than a blood test? Oh and I am 48 years old. My wife and I are very sexually active and this quite disturbing to me knowing that we won't be able to have a normal sex life if it is indeed cancer.


Ron here...

I think you should read my book Healthy Prostate. It will alleviate your fears.

There are lots of reasons one could have an elevated PSA result apart from prostate cancer.

And even if it is high indicating possible prostate cancer there is much you can do. Be prepared if the doctor wants to do a biopsy. The biopsy can spread cancer if there and magnify a problem that is most likely minimal.

My book goes into details about all this.

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