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How much prostate fluid is expelled during a massage or milking

by Bob

I've tried a lot of times to massage/milk my prostate but only get a few drops. It doesn't matter if I have ejaculated recently or not, excited or soft, 15 minutes or an hour. How much fluid is normally extracted from the prostate. The only thing I have read is about 20-30 % of a normal ejaculation. I would say I probably can only get 1% out.


Ron here...

If you have a prostate condition such as enlargement then the amount of fluid can be drastically reduced. Nothing the matter with small amounts.

Prostate massage is good for the prostate if done properly and gently to increase blood flow and circulation.

All men are different too when it comes to the amount of prostate fluid from prostate milking.

If you have symptoms of an enlarged prostate then best to optimize your diet and supplements as I describe in my books.

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