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Cystoscopy showed inflamed prostate/urethra

by Darren

Hi.Me 50 and suffering last few months. Symptoms are a need to urinate small amounts all the time,pain in urethra after urinating, and prostate spasms. Cystoscopy normal apart from showing an inflamed prostate/urethra. Urine and prostate fluid test all negative. When the doctor milked my prostate to get the sample it was like being tortured.He said I have chronic non bacterial prostatitis. Been taking Ciprofloxacin and Ibuprofen for a month with no relief. Tried Life Extension Ultra Natural Prostate for 2 months, again no help. Would just like my life back. Would appreciate your help.
Kind regards

Ron here...

The only clinic I can recommend is 3D Prostate Clinic.

They are experts on this type of problem.

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