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Where in Canada can I buy a Perfect Pendulum?

Hi Ron,
I bought your book via a while back. You have compiled a great deal of very useful information! I haven't finished it yet, but decided a while back I need to buy a Perfect Pendulum. So I went to their website, and picked out one I figured I wanted.
However, it appeared to me that the cost of shipping one to Canada with tracking would be close to C$20, plus the pendulum cost of close to C$30, if I recall correctly. So I sent an email via their website (to "the owners") asking if they have a shipping option that includes insurance, or better, if they have a rep in Canada from whom I can purchase a pendulum. So far, I have not received a reply to my email (which I sent a few weeks ago, I think).
So I figured I would email you, and ask you if you know where to purchase a Perfect Pendulum in Canada. I think I read in your book or on your website that you are or were an importer, so perhaps you might even be importing them yourself!
If it's not possible to buy one here in Canada, I suppose there might be reps selling them in the US, though I'd prefer to avoid the shipping charges we Canadians are typically hit with, when ordering from there!
I am very keen to get started with my personal testing, using a Perfect Pendulum, so I look forward to hearing from you! I am not flush with cash right now, so I figured I would ask you for help with this, before I order one from the UK!
Thanks again for the years of personal research you did to figure out how to get to the bottom of your prostate health issues.


Ron here,

I know of no rep anywhere. You have to buy direct. I have ordered many times without any special insurance and it comes easily by post if the strike is not on in Canada! Just have it shipped the cheapest way they have.

By the way, they have a newer and more advanced Omega Pendulum which is even better and easier to use. I use that now every day.

It costs more than the Perfect Pendulum but works very well. One supplement bottle you were going to buy that gives you a No and you have paid for it.

It is the best health device I know about...

Omega Pendulum

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