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by Cameron
(Pittsburgh, PA)

Hi Ron, What is your opinion of Urolift? There is no ablation of tissue.


Ron here...

All surgeries have risks which you can read about elsewhere.

Perhaps Rezum is less invasive as it uses steam to reduce the size of the prostate. Research that before you decide.

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Dec 28, 2020
Rezum & Urolift
by: Kenneth Ptak

I'm sorry but Rezum is the worst procedure that they came up with. I was on another site and I kept track of the men that had it done. Out of 100 men it only worked sometime and out of the 100 men 78 ended up with retro ejaculation. They were not happy. 10 had to have Turps done because of the damage that it did to the good tissue

As of the Urolift I had it done almost 7 years ago and I am still open. And no side effects

Men do not be forced to do anything you don't want. You do not need to have anything cut out to fix anything

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