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TURP Dec.17, 2018

by Les
(FAir Oaks Ranch, Texas USA)

Several months ago I was diagnosed with "low grade prostate cancer." My Urologist told me to see him in six months and didn't seem too concerned about my cancer. Since then I had a serious urine retention which required a three day hospital stay and 26 bags of saline flush of the bladder. I have been wearing a catheter for the past ten days and will continue to wear it until surgery on December 17, 2018. I am taking two pills, one to shrink the prostate and the other to relax the prostate. The doctor has not suggested that we try to remove the catheter to see if I can urinate without the catheter. I get the impression he is really interested in the financial reward he will receive from the surgical procedure. I am scheduled for a "conference meeting" on December 7, 2018 to discuss the surgery. Ironically, I will be 80 years old on that day.

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