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TURP and Prostate Massage

by Bill

Are there any reasons not to use an internal prostate massager over a year after having TURP? Will the results be the same as for someone who has not had the TURP procedure?



Ron here...

Prostate massage after a TURP operation can benefit the prostate by increasing circulation to the prostate keeping it healthy by eliminating some of its toxins.

TURP does not cure BPH but can lower some symptoms. Curing requires the infections and bacteria, that can lead to BPH, to be treated and western medicine does not do a good job in dealing with the causes. But massage can help by improving blood flow as can regular prostate exercises as described on the site elsewhere.

Be gentle and once of twice per week maximum, and then just your judgment as to how long. We are all different so there is no rule, and it is always best to ask your urologist for their input as I am not a doctor.

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