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my 87years old dad developed infection after catheterization, which drug is more effrctive pls thanks, francis

by francis

my 87years odl dad is having infection after catheterization, which drug is more effective pls. francis


This is a medical question for a doctor who is trained in this area.

Comments for my 87years old dad developed infection after catheterization, which drug is more effrctive pls thanks, francis

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Mar 05, 2018

by: Ronald M

In Many cases of prostatitis antibiotics just don't work long term. Please go to the 3D Prostate Clinic and read why.

Nov 05, 2017
by: Anonymous

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for urinary tract infections are Cipro and Levaquin. Both of these antibiotics carry possible side effects if used long term. Another drug used is Bactrim, but that seems to be the second choice for most Urologists.

I do not have an M.D. degree, but have had multiple bouts of prostatitis.

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