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Metastatic prostate cancer symptoms

by George

At the age of sixty years I have been diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Subsequent to this my prostrate was surgically removed. The biopsy results indicated that my cancer has metastized on both sides to the adjacent tissues.

One year after the aforementioned surgical procedure I am having difficulty with lower back ache and stiffness of the back. The bone scan results indicates that no metastasis to the bones are evident.

I furthermore experience sporadic shooting pains from my upper body down to my legs (as if someone kicked me in the groin). I also at times experience immense body aches. Best explained as if I my body parts are tensed-up and do not want to release. Typical of cold fever shivers and tenseness.

I have developed high blood pressure and suffer of sleeplessness with accompanying depression.


Is it possible that my back ache, shooting pains in the legs and body aches could be symptoms of prostrate cancer metastasis to other parts of my body, other than the bones?

My urologist has referred me to orthopaedic for diagnosis of the lower back ache. Am I wasting my time?

What dietary foodstuffs (juices) can I use as antioxidants?


Ron here:

I am not a doctor so can't tell you what is going on.

But I would learn everything I can about foods and get my book Prostate Cancer Prevention Diet. There is lots you can do but way too much to write about here.

In the evening close all your blue light devices early, get red lights to soften the light and induce sleep.

For mood, I use a Litebook. It is ideal for that and it will also help you sleep at night. Use if first thing in the morning.

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