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How often should the prostrate be massaged?

by Bill

I have always had a healthy prostrate. Annual checks, never any enlargement, no urination issues and a adequate sex drive. That said, I always thought prostrate massage was only for sexual pleasure, until I spent some time on your web site and a couple others.

Even though I've always had a healthy prostrate, it seems this is a good idea to maintain it to, especially now that I am in my early sixties.

I may have missed it, but how often should this procedure be done?

Many thanks,



Ron here...

There is no specified amount for doing prostate massage. It really is a personal preference based on your observations of how it feels, what kind of results you experience, and whether it is worth the effort for you.

The most important thing is massage gently so as not to stress the prostate. That is one reason why a prostate massage device is useful. Just follow the instructions if you choose to get one.

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Aug 30, 2014
massage freqency
by: Anonymous

I have the aneros massager called "Device".I average three to four times a month for maximum pleasure,I sometimes do more but the pleasure will not be as intense.

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