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Does the prostate have anything to do with gout

by Eric

Will prostate massages help with relieving any of the pain that comes with a gout attack ? I'm 54 yrs old and never go to the drs cause I am scared of what they will have to say.Well about 2 months ago my leg , knee swelled up and it was right after I had a gout attack in my toe. I could barely walk due to the pain so I went to the ER where after several hours of the usual ER bullshit they did an ultra sound on my leg and they found a blood clot. So now I have DBT on top of gout. They write we a couple scripts and give me a shot of phentinol which worked well at the time for pain.The scripts were for asperin and norcos and they told me to go see a specialest . So a couple days later when Icould not walk at all due to the aspirens blowing up my gout Ihad to go back to the Drs where they put me on Eliquis which I figured out for my self after almost 2 weeks of taking that poison that gout thrives on that shit. Now thats been 10 days since I've quit taking the blood thinner. read that you are not suppose to quit taking that shit but at least I am able to walk and work some. Both my feet and one of my legs are still real tender.Is there anything I can do to help myself ?


Ron here...

So sorry to hear about your health troubles, but I am not a doctor and know not what to advise.

All I know that your diet and all inputs are the foundation of your health and thus that is where I would start. There is a lot to learn about getting healthy, so start there. Read all you can on my site and get one of the diet books.

Best of luck.

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Dec 24, 2019
Some Gout Diet Prevention and Relief.
by: Ron

Check out these sites:

Both have excellent insight as to the causes and diet changes to make to manage gout and reverse the gout attacks.

Gout Prevention/a>

Gout Cures

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