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Do i need a prescription to purchase catheters

by Shawn

I got two catheters from a urologist several years ago. I only use them occasionally when in public places. The ones I got had a green rubber end that probably connects to a bag of some sort. Can I just purchase catheters without a prescription?


Ron here:

No prescription is needed especially if you buy online. If the catheter you have has only one outlet then it is not for attaching to a bag. Those are called Foley catheters. What you have is for intermittent use.

Comments for Do i need a prescription to purchase catheters

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May 20, 2016
Rx for catheter
by: Anonymous

Some states like California require a doctor's order. Others like Illinois do not. This applies to purchases online as well.

May 18, 2016
catheter presription requirement
by: Mark

I use an intermittent catheter, I attempted to purchase online what is called a travel catheter and was told a prescription was required since I use Medicare insurance.
When I asked why, I was told that it is because of having to insert it into ones body.
So is this just a medicare rule or is a prescription required if you don't use medicare?
If the reason is due to insertion into one's body, wouldn't the same rule apply to tampons and such.
I intend to research this further but something smells a little fishy..............

Apr 25, 2015
yes and no NEW
by: Anonymous

technically Ron is right what you have is a ch14 intemittent catheter (isc) intermitttent self catheriazion)and it used for every now and again when needed. The green top indicated the catheter size ie: green ch14 orange ch16 red ch18 and so on.
these are generally used without a bag BUT can be attached to a bag if you are say out in the car in a public place and nowhere private,you can go in the car with a bag attached. there are also ISC's avalible with bags attached as standard for this type of senario such as coloplast speedicath for men, this is just one make of a few i know of.
A foley catheter is designed to stay in the urethra/bladder for upto 12 weeks at a time and it contiously attached to a bag, the bag gets emptied/changed when full.
hope this helps.

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