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Can overuse of prostate massager desensitize the prostate

by Pybus
(San Diego, Ca)

I bought an aneros prostate massager for health reasons and was pleasantly almost profoundly surprised with the extended prostate orgasms I experience.

This went on for months of almost daily use.
The prostate orgasms have significantly diminished and I am wondering if it may have been caused by too much of a good thing.

I never used the device aggressively and have not experienced anything remotely like pain in the prostate area.

I am 70, have strong urine flow and can regularly masturbate to orgasm but my semen has become more watery over time. Erections are less firm.
I have not used the device for several months and want to start back up.

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts.


Ron here...

As we get older as men, we should cut back on the frequency of ejaculation as it weakens us according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Taoist and Tantric wisdom.

Injaculation is the preferred method whereby one controls the energy by moving it up and then down in a circular manner. No ejaculation but orgasm is experienced.

Perhaps it is time for you to study this method. By learning to control the male G-spot by doing perineum squeezes (prostate exercise), you can gain control of your tendency to ejaculate, and by studying energy flows in the body combined with nasal breathing you can learn those Eastern tricks of the trade.

Comments for Can overuse of prostate massager desensitize the prostate

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Mar 05, 2018

by: Ronald M

Of course it is very possible to overuse a prostate massager.

So if you want to start up again, then be very gentle and only once a week. I use personal testing to let me know when it is OK to use mine.

See the page on Personal Testing for more info.

Missed this comment till now.

Jun 14, 2017
The real question was about prostrate massage no ejacukation
by: Anonymous

the answer, while representing an interesting point of view does not deal with what was been asked about possible overuse of a prostrate massager. The comment about ejaculation was clearly only made to refer to overall urinary and prostate function by way of background

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