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A 12 or 18 core blind biopsy, holey prostate!

by Jim

A 12 or 18 core blind biopsy, holey prostate! One million dangerous prostate blind biopsies are performed in the USA each year and they should be banned: Men with a high PSA tests result are often sent to a urologist for a blind biopsy. This technology is 30 years old. Blind prostate biopsy cost in the USA is at least $3 billion annually. False positives and false negatives can occur.

Men should be told about other options; Percent free PSA test, 4Kscore test, PCA3 test or a 3T MRI test before receiving a blind biopsy. These tests can often eliminate the need for a risky and invasive blind biopsy.

Unfortunately, sometimes insurance companies may not pay for other tests. Insertion of 12 or 18 large hollow needles through the dirty rectum into a gland the size of a walnut, a blind biopsy can result in pain, infections, a risk of temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction. Biopsies can cause, urinary problems, 6.9% hospitalization within 30 days from a complication, sometimes even death from sepsis (About 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000). There is also debate that a biopsy may spread cancer because of needle tracking. A blind biopsy is degrading and can also increase PSA reading for several weeks or months, further frightening men into unnecessary treatment.

Blind biopsies are almost never performed on other organs. One prestigious hospital biopsy information pamphlet states: semen color has a rust tint. Another well known hospital describes semen as: reddish or brown. These statements can be an extreme exaggeration (mostly lies). After a biopsy a man’s semen can turn into a jet black goo. This could be an unpleasant surprise for a man and especially for his unsuspecting partner. If some prestigious hospitals are not factual about the color of semen, what other facts are being misrepresented?

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