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MRI & biopsy for prostate cancer question

I'm 52 and my psa has bounced around the mid 4's for several years, then up to the mid 6's, now at 4.8
I had an mri that found a 2.18ml hypointense lesion.
It has a pirads 4 classification and I am scheduled for a trus bioposy.

Anything I should do?



Ron here...

I am not a doctor but cannot advise you on what to do.

If it were me, I would not do a biopsy as the risk is that it will spread and worsen whatever is there.

Secondly I would not rush into a decision as most prostate cancers are slow growing.

Thirdly I would immediately optimize my diet in all aspects of my inputs if you haven't already done that: food, drinks, water, bodycare, household products, EMF exposures limited as much as possible.

I would educate myself on the causes of prostate cancer and what natural or non-invasive ways to deal with it.

Of course, any mainstream doctor will disagree with most of this!

The best urologist in the world in my opinion is Dr Song of the 3D Prostate clinic. He has developed a very successful treatment for prostate cancer. On the site is a testimonial from an Australian man who had stage 3 and 4 prostate cancer... he was scheduled for a prostectomy but went to the clinic in China instead. 3 weeks later the cancer was gone through targeted precision medicine injections. I met him there and saw his results myself.

Comments for MRI & biopsy for prostate cancer question

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May 11, 2017
by: Louie

This is difficult to understand. Why do other countries have more advance options for prostate problems
than we have and we are supposed to have the
best and advanced care in the world.

Perhaps who cares about us .

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