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Holep procedure for BPH and low grade prostate cancer

by George Beaubien

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011 and just completed my 2nd MRI, indicating a low-grade tumor of 0.9cm in size and with a Gleason score of 3+3 from a previous prostate biopsy. I also have an annoying case of BPH. In wanting to achieve resolution for both conditions is it possible for the Holep procedure for BPH to enucleate the cancerous tissue in the right central lobe, where cancer currently resides? My psa is high, between 9 and 10 and has been in this range for years. A radical prostatectomy scares me to death and just curious if the tumor can be removed from inside the prostate capsule with Holep.


Ron here...

I am not a urologist and am not competent to answer this question.

Have you checked out the 3D Prostate Clinic with links on my site? They are curing prostate cancer and BPH.

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