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cystoscopic prostate exam

by Gretchen Miller
(Houston,Tx., USA)

My husband was advised that in order to get this procedure, he would need to be circumcised, as the opening of his urethra was not large enough for the doctor's instrument. This was several years ago. Frankly we did not and still do not have money to afford the operation. What would you suggest? I believe he should consult a different proctologist,to start with. He has no problems urinating. He does have erectile dysfunction, which may be due to type 2 diabetes. He is on pills for this and keeps his blood sugar level fairly well in the proper limits. Thank you for your input.


Ron here...

I cannot imagine why a foreskin would in any way affect the size of the opening of the urethra. Get another doctor!

Proper diet is your problem if he has diabetes, and if you do most of the cooking you are a big part of that.

Learn about the causes of diabetes, change your diet and heal it. This will help your colon and digestive track as well.

Erectile difficulties are of course related to one's health condition. Read my books on diet and you will learn a lot about how to improve this most important aspect of your life.

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Sep 30, 2015
Ahmad Cheena NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jun 23, 2015
Clippin' the cover? NEW
by: Anonymous

My gosh, I agree with Ron... There is nothing about the amount of foreskin that has anything to do with running a Cystoscopy scope through his urethra to his prostate. Getting Urologist is definitely the plan here(because a proctologist deals with a different opening).

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