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TURP Surgery?: a Roto Rooter Surgery! and a Cystoscopy...

I got this message on December 17:

First Name: Harold

Message: After reading the all information above I am going to visit your web-site regularly, buy the book AND tell all my friends! I never before read such common sense truth with regard to health care, doctors etc.

I just had a procedure done called a Cystoscopy! It was horrible! I was told it would be easy, painless and after it was over I could go back to doing what I normally do! I went back to work afterward. No pain meds, no anti-biotics, NOTHING.

By the the time night came I felt like everytime I had to urinate which was frequently, I had a blow torch in my penis!!! AND, prior to the prosedure I had to sign a disclaimer telling me that the doctor and procedure was NOT responsible if something (Which could very well happen) went wrong!!!

That experience was the worst thing that ever happened to me! Then he sits there and tells me "the only option I have is to have some Roto Rooter surgery thing!!! I'm afraid of these people. Honest to God I'm afraid! I served in Vietnam and I was not afraid!!! But these guys scare me. Your disclaimer narrative above has really opened my eyes.

Thank you.


Hi Harold,

Thanks so much for your kind comments! I sure appreciate them as it is hard to stand up to the powerful vested interests of the conventional medical model.

A Cystoscopy is not pleasant at all. My first one was done in the doctor's office like you. Awful. A good urologist will do it as an outpatient procedure using an IV drip to eliminate the pain. More hassle for them but FAR BETTER for you!

Always insist on having the IV drip, unless you don't mind a blow torch in your penis.

Change your diet, cleanse, and learn to personal test which foods and supplements work for you… all covered in great detail in my book. That is the road to health for you and your prostate, not roto surgery (BPH TURP operation).

Best of luck to you as you embark on your healing journey!

Ron B

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Apr 29, 2012
Say no to T U R PS
by: Anonymous

Had T U R P S, big mistake go for laser no bleeding ,and no hospital stay needed ,T U R PS is like drilling out the prostrate with a drill.
And bleeding infection for ten weeks .say no to T U R P S

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