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perfect pendulum

by bill

dear ron, i used perfect pendulum on a bottle of melatonin of 3mg i saw on the internet. it said yes and the number pills was five. i went to pharmacy and bought some different brand, without using p-p and brought it home to test. test said yes on a 1mg bottle but only two pills. what happened? thank you for any insights and for your work. blessings, from cyprus, bill


Ron here...

Every brand is different and has unique properties. Thus it may give you a different response.

Also it is always important to do the self-test before testing an item to make sure your test is accurate. And do with an empty mind.

And your dose can change from day-to-day as well. Never assume because you got a Yes that it is for always! Re-test often.

The Omega newer pendulum is a more advanced model, so someday you may want to upgrade. I have done this and find it easier to use.

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