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am i a candidate for pae

I have BPH and my prostate is 5 times the normal size. i went on holiday and had to go to the emergency room and have a catheter because i could not pee.i am returning home tomorrow with catheter am i a candidate for pae jam 51 years old in good health otherwise i don't want the robotic radical surgery that my urologist is suggesting

are there any alternatives for me

i live in texas willing to travel to the moon rather than having that surgery and the side effects of it. thanks for your help in advance


Ron here,

PAE does not treat the causes. In my case it had minimal if any positive impact, perhaps because of my huge size... 10 times.

So I went to China where this clinic treats the causes:
3D Prostate testing

Check out that site and perhaps that is what you are looking for.

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